• +1 240 760 2512
  • info@kammerman.com


Refereed Articles


Torok RD, Li JS, Kannankeril PJ, Atz AM, Bishai R, Bolotin E, Breitenstein S, Chen C, Diacovo T, Feltes T, Furlong P, Hanna M, Graham EM, Hsu D, Ivy DD, Murphy D, Kammerman LA, Kearns G, Lawrence J, Lebeaut B, Li D, Male C, McCrindle B, Mugnier P, Newburger JW, Pearson GD, Peiris V, Percival L, Pina M, Portman R, Shaddy R, Stockbridge NL, Temple R, Hill KD, “Recommendations to Enhance Pediatric Cardiovascular Drug Development: Report of a Multi-Stakeholder Think Tank,”. J Am Heart Assoc, 2018.


Kammerman, L.A., J.C. Cappelleri and J. Bartlett. “Patient-reported outcomes,” Wiley StatsRef, 2017.


Miller E, P Gallo, W He, LA Kammerman, K Koury K, J Maca, Q Jian, MK Walton, C Wang, K Woo, C Fuller, and Y Jemiai, “DIA’s Adaptive Design Scientific Working Group (ADSWG): Best Practices Case Studies for ‘‘Less Well-understood’’ Adaptive Designs,” Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science, first published online on September 15, 2016.


Kammerman, LA and S Grosser, “Editorial: Statistical considerations in the design, analysis and interpretation of clinical studies that use patient-reported outcomes,” Statistical Methods in Medical Research”, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2013.


Izem R, L Kammerman, and S. Komo, “Statistical challenges in drug approval trials that use patient reported outcomes,” Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2013.


Proschan, M., E. Brittain, and L. Kammerman, “Minimizing the use of minimization”, Biometrics 2011.


Kazempour, K., L.A. Kammerman, and S. Farr. “Survival effects of nucleoside analogues in patients with CD4<50 cells/mm3,” Journal of AIDS, September 1995.


Mittleman, M., D.S. Karcher, L.A. Kammerman, L.S. Lessin. “High Ia (HLA-Dr) and low CD11b (M01) expression may predict early conversion to leukemia in myelodysplastic syndromes,” American Journal of Hematology, 43:165-171, 1993.


Behrman, R.E., L.A. Kammerman, and D.M. Feigal. “Continued zidovudine or didanosine for human immunodeficiency virus infection,” correspondence, The New England Journal of Medicine, 327:1598-1599, 1992.


Bui, K.C., G. Martin, L.A. Kammerman, C. Hammerman, V. Hill, and B.L. Short. “Plasma thromboxane and pulmonary artery pressure in neonates treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,” Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 104:124-9; 1992.


Higgins, J.J., L.A. Kammerman, and C.K. Fitz. “Survival characteristics of stroke in a population at a children’s hospital,” Journal of Neuropediatrics, 22:190-193, 1991.


Lotze, A., J.A. Whitsett, L.A. Kammerman, M. Ritter, A.N. Taylor, and B.L. Short. “Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) concentrations in tracheal aspirate fluid in infants requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO),” Journal of Pediatrics, 116:435-40, 1990.


MacDonald, M.G., B.H. Herman, L.A. Kammerman, Z. Bors, and A. Arthur-Smith. “Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma beta endorphin-like immunoreactivity in full-term neonates and in premature neonates with and without apnea of prematurity,” Developmental Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 15:8-15, 1990.


Abraham, J., H.M. Stiles, L.A. Kammerman, and D. Forrester. “Assessing periodontal pathogens in children with varying levels of oral hygiene,” Journal of Dentistry for Children, 189-193, May-June 1990.


Ludwig, I.H., M.M. Parks, P.R. Getson, and L.A. Kammerman. “Rate of deterioration in accommodative esotropia correlated to the AC/A relationship,” Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 25:8-12, 1988


Grimson, R.C., L.A. Kammerman, and J. Soukup. “Statistical procedures for assignments of upper bounds for radiation doses to an unbadged individual in a group for which some individuals are badged,” Health Physics, 45:723-729, 1983.


Leviton, A., J. Schulman, L. Kammerman, D. Porter, W. Slack, and J.R. Graham. “A probability model of headache recurrence,” Journal of Chronic Diseases, 33:407-412, 1980. 

Technical reports and abstracts


Kammerman, L.A., R. Alexander, S Leonov, S. Budd, and I. Hirsch, “Smart Design: The AZD3293 (BACE) Phase 2/3 Study in Early Alzheimer’s Disease, AstraZeneca Science Units Symposium, Gaithersburg, MD, 2014.


Luban, N., G. Gautier, and L. Kammerman, “Coulter S + IV three part differential screen in selected pediatric patients,” annual meeting of the American Pediatric Society/Society for Pediatric Research, 1987. (Abstract)


Wiedermann, B., C. Morgan, L. Kammerman, and P. Getson. “Role of delay in sample processing and other factors in interpretation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cell counts in traumatic lumbar puncture (LP) for suspected meningitis,” annual meeting of the American Pediatric Society/Society for Pediatric Research, 1987. (Abstract)


Kammerman, L.A., G.B. Schreiber, and H. Nisselson. “Evaluation of HANES nonresponse bias, final report, volume 2: an historical review of nonresponse compensation efforts by NCHS and a comparison with techniques reported in the general statistics literature,” report submitted to NCHS under contract No. 282-85-2104, June 1987. (Technical research report)


Kammerman, L.A., G.B. Schreiber, and H. Nisselson. “Evaluation and recommendations for nonresponse bias assessment and for techniques of compensation for incomplete data in examination surveys, and examination and nutrition surveys: 1960-1984,” report submitted to NCHS under contract No. 282-85-2104, March 1987. (Technical research report)


Kammerman, L.A. and J.A. Lago. “District of Columbia observational survey of seat belt usage, final report,” report submitted to Department of Transportation under contract No. DTNH22-85-D-07306, July 1986. (Technical research report)


Janis, J.M., L. Kammerman, K. Edwards, and L.L. Kupper. “Trends in oral cancer mortality in the United States, Sweden, France, and Hong Kong, 1950-1980,” Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series, No. 1481, 1985. (Technical research report)


Kammerman, L.A., B.G. Greenberg, and D. Quade. “Selecting optimal values for Πy in the unrelated randomized response model,” Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association, 1985. (Conference proceeding)


Kammerman, L.A., “Selecting optimal values for Πy in the unrelated question randomized response model, Πy known,” Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 1474, 1985. (Technical research report, doctoral dissertation)


“Selecting optimal values for Πy in the unrelated question randomized response model, Πy known,” under the direction of Dr. Bernard G. Greenberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984. (Dissertation)


Thibodeau, L., R. Reed, Y.M.M. Bishop, and L. Kammerman. “Air pollution and human health: a review and reanalysis,” Environmental Health Perspectives, 34:165-183, 1980. (Book chapter)


“A Bayesian approach to the prognosis of mental deficiencies in the high risk infant,” under the direction of Dr. Stanley P. Azen, University of Southern California, 1977. (Master of Science Thesis)